Monday, 24 December 2012

Home Remedies for Migraine Headaches

For most people who experience an occasional headache, a few aspirin will usually do the trick. Migraine sufferers do not have it so easy. Not only do many migraine meds have negative effects that range from nausea and stomach ulcers for an increased risk of stroke as well as heart attack, but up to two-thirds of users also have reported that they don't deliver satisfactory results.

There are numerous ways to treat a migraine headache with natural remedies which have a better success rate and far fewer health problems than prescriptions, including herbs, supplements, acupuncture, acupressure, reflexology, and aromatherapy.

Stay hydrated

This is the simplest task that could actually help you the greatest. Many migraines come from the simple fact that you are dehydrated. Drinking several large glasses of pure water sets you in the direction for recovery.


It has been studied and when drawn in doses of 400 to 600 milligrams each day, magnesium is effective for menstrual-associated migraines and migraines related to auras.


Many essential oils are recognized to work at reducing (and possibly eliminate completely) the seriousness of a migraine. Natural plant oils could be great at inducing relaxation and also the mind to clear. Some oils that actually work best include: sandlewood, peppermint, eucalyptus, lavender, and much more.


A massage of the head, face, and neck can easily relieve any muscle tension which may be influencing the headache.

Hot Shower

The new water from the shower may cause tension in the neck, back, and face to unwind. You can influence the shower experience by also using soaps, washes, and lotions with essential oils.

Pressure Points

Placing pressure on song of your body, if done correctly, can greatly aid in reducing the severity of a headache. Find the bone where your pointer finger and thumb meet and put pressure on that position for about 2 minutes.

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