Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Coconut Oil Beauty and Health Secrets

Coconut oil boosts energy levels, raises good cholesterol, and balances out blood sugar with no weight gain, cholesterol, and other health risks which come from other saturated fats, especially animal fats. Coconut oil can also be antimicrobial, antioxidant, anti-fungal, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-parasitic, and antiviral.

What this means is coconut oil boosts energy levels, raises good cholesterol, and balances out blood sugar with no weight gain, cholesterol, and other health risks which come from other saturated fats. Coconut oil doesn't stop there.

It's antimicrobial, antioxidant, anti fungal  antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-parasitic, and antiviral. Additionally, it aids in the absorption of minerals and vitamins. These immune boosting properties allow it to be the perfect oil to use in a million ways.

Make-up Remover

Apparently, coconut oil can be used a makeup remover. Just choose a cotton ball and dab it within the coconut oil. Wipe away makeup on your face and eyes.

Homemade Vapor Rub

A self-made vapor rub can help you save some money and keep you home rather than running to the store. Simply combine 3 tbsp melted Coconut Oil with 3-5 drops of Tea Tree Oil and 6-10 drops of Rosemary Oil. Mix it all up in a container and affect the chest and nose carefully.

Sooth Skin & Treat Infections

Should you rub coconut oil on your skin, it can help treat athlete’s foot, ringworm, or any other fungal or yeast infections. You may also prevent infections in a burn on your skin.

Natural Sunscreen

It could seem counter intuitive to use oil like a sunscreen but it works! Just use a thin layer of coconut oil for your skin and you’re set to go.

Baking obviously

Lastly, coconut oil can be used as a baking replacement for butter or oil. Just use it as a 1 to 1 ratio substitute. Lots of people swear by the great taste it adds like a pan greaser.

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