Wednesday, 23 April 2014

How To Cure Diabetes Naturally

Remedies to Treat Diabetes Naturally
Remedies to Treat Diabetes Naturally
The top natural ways to cure diabetes is by sticking with the correct diet, doing some exercises and considering your weight. Many people find hard and demanding to stick to the prescriptions given by the doctor which for some people could even have some side effects. But because of extensive research that has led to invention of natural cures for diabetes to how can you get diabetes.

Diabetes can be very serious and devastating. In order to make sure that they live long and happy lives, it is important for individuals diagnosed with the disease to teach themselves and learn the best ways to preserve their health. Here are a few natural remedies that can be helpful in lowering the sugar levels in a diabetic patient.


Cinnamon has long been reported as a good source for that natural treatment of diabetes. The end results were spectacular and the overall health of the group was increased with glucose down 18 percent; LDL cholesterol and triglycerides also showed reduced levels. Everyone was excited and the word of utilizing cinnamon spread.


Take one avocado seed and grill the seed. Slice the seed into several chunks. Add this to a pot of water and produce to boil, wait till the water turns brown. Strain the water mixture and drink when cool. Anticipate seeing results within two weeks.


Although there are some different types of ginseng, most of the promising studies on ginseng and diabetes have used United states ginseng (Panax quinquefolius). Those studies have shown that United states ginseng may improve blood sugar control and glycosylated hemogobin (a form of hemoglobin within the blood used to monitor blood glucose levels over time) levels.

Vitamin C

Wondering why vitamin C is used for diabetes? Recent researches have found that consuming as much as 600mg of vitamin C daily can help to normalize the blood glucose levels. Foods rich in vitamin C should be consumed daily by chronic diabetics.


This is a common Indian herb recognized to every Indian family that is extensively used in everyday cooking. Most people are aware of the cholesterol-reducing effect of garlic; few people know about its anti-diabetic effect. Caffeine Allicin in garlic is believed to have hypoglycemic effects.

Grape seed Extract

Grape seed extract has been proven to improve the conditions related to this disease. Grape seed was successful in protecting the liver cells and establishing defense mechanisms against reactive oxygen species made by hyperglycemic conditions.

Olive Oil

The correlation between preventing diabetes and also the consumption of olive oil. Through research, they have found that the oil rich diet may prevent diabetes. By using olive oil, you can reduce your blood levels including LDL and triglycerides.

Fig Leaves

Figs leaves are extremely commonly used in treating diabetes. They are believed to have anti-diabetic properties that help them to reduce the sugar levels within the blood. Fig leaves can be directly chewed on an empty stomach, or even the leaves can be boiled in water and the water can be drunk like tea. Done on a regular basis, the need for insulin gets reduced.


Fenugreek seeds are rich in sugar-lowering properties. The leaves of this plant can be made as curry and consumed regularly. Fenugreek helps to reduce the insulin dependency when drawn in regular intervals. A teaspoon-full of seeds should be soaked in a glass of water instantly and the water along with the seeds should be drunk on empty stomach. No foods or medications should be used for the next 30 minutes after consuming the water. This treatment is recommended for 2 - 3 times each week.

Grape Seed Extract

Grape seeds are a rich source of vitamin E, flavonoids, linoleic acid and oligomeric proanthocyanidins. Recent reports have proved their efficacy in treating diabetes. The grape seeds are ground and put into capsules; the person can take as much as 300mg per day to reduce the blood sugar levels. 

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